Contract manufacturing requires a second party to produce a sub component or, even an entire device, for an OEM. Examples include a cable harness used for EMG monitoring or a sensor used in sleep studies. In each of these instances, the OEM develops the system and the contract manufacturer builds the medical components that work within that system. On-time products that meet specifications are necessities. Some contract manufacturers may cut corners to improve in one area at the expense of another. We don't.

What distinguishes us from other contract manufacturers is the fact that we have a large selection of in-house components ready to be used. There is no lead time and we have the tooling already in-house that you don’t have to pay for. If a proprietary solution is needed, we have engineers that are ready to help bring that to life.

Customers come to us at different stages during the design process. Some customers send us a complete build drawing while other customers give us a napkin sketch and ask us to develop the design from the beginning.

P1 Technologies offers a complete review of customers proposed designs that looks for ways to improve performance and lower cost. We can do that via custom components through in-house tooling and by lean manufacturing processes. The design feedback at P1 Technologies sets us apart from other contract manufacturers. We believe this is the most important stage and take pride in our work from the start. After we agree on a design, we offer prototypes or parts for evaluation including a quote for manufacturing. Not only will we build the component but we work together with you to design the best system to meet your goals.