P1 Technologies, Inc. (P1) makes every effort to uphold high standards of ethics and honesty and to comply with all local, state, and federal laws and regulations that affect the operation of the business and that apply to our employees, suppliers, and customers.


We expect all our suppliers to comply with all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations. In addition, we expect all our suppliers to comply with every standard recited in this Code of Conduct on equity, child and forced labor, hours and wages, anti-corruption and anti-bribery laws, health and safety, and the environment.



P1 respects the rights, culture, and dignity of all individuals and adheres to the principles of equity and non-discrimination when dealing with employees, customers, suppliers, and others. P1 will not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment, whether based on race, color, religion, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, age, veteran status, or any other factors that are unrelated to P1’s legitimate business interests. P1 will not tolerate sexual advances, actions or comments, racial or religious slurs or jokes, or any other comments or conduct that, in the judgment of P1 management, creates, encourages or permits an offensive or intimidating work environment in accordance with applicable human rights legislation.


Child labor

P1 shall not employ child labor.  The use of legitimate workplace learning programs is supported, but P1 shall not employ workers under the age of 18 years of age.


Forced labor

P1 does not tolerate any form of abusive or illegal labor such as forced labor or human trafficking, including, but not limited to, prison, slave, bonded, or forced indentured labor.


Hours, wages, and benefits

Working hours, minimum breaks, wages, and rest periods shall comply with applicable laws.  


Anti-corruption and anti-bribery laws

Payments of any nature, which would be in violation of any law, are prohibited.  All payments of commissions and fees shall bein accordance with sound business practices. Payments, gifts, or favors must not be made to any person with intent to induce them to violate their duties or to obtain favorable treatment for P1.

P1 strictly prohibits bribes, kickbacks, illegal payments, and any other offer of items of value that may inappropriately influence or reward a customer to order, purchase, or use our products or services, whether provided directly or through a third party such as a distributor, customs broker, or other agent.  

It is our duty to follow local and internationally applicable laws and ethical standards prohibiting bribery and corruption and to avoid inappropriately influencing the purchasing decisions of entities that buy our products and services.  Any third party who conducts business on our behalf must also comply with these requirements.


Health and safety

P1 shall provide a safe and healthy work environment for all its employees.  Workers have the right to refuse and report unsafe or unhealthy working conditions regardless of title or responsibility.P1 will follow all health and safety laws and regulations. P1 will foster a culture of EHS awareness, involvement, empowerment, and accountability.  Workers are trained on appropriate occupational health and safety policies and procedures, including emergency evacuation procedures. Potable drinking water is provided to all workers as well as adequate and clean sanitation facilities.  Unreasonable limitations to workers’ access to toilets, rest or lactation breaks are prohibited.



P1 is committed to worldwide environmental protection and shall comply with applicable environmental regulations and permits, as well as P1’s environmental policies.P1 will respect and protect the environment by minimizing waste and reusing and recycling materials where possible.

As an Innovative Manufacturer, we strive to do our part to preserve the well-being of our planet.  Our review of processes does not find any significant impact on climate change.